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Russian Language Summer School
Who can study
People of any nationality who are studying or want to start studying Russian language.
When you need to arrive
You can come and start studying any day from June 30 to August 24, 2025.
Important! Acceptance of applications for training: until May 10, 2025 (for those who need a visa), for those living in Moscow – at any time until August 4, 2025).
How long you can study
The minimum training period is 4 weeks, the maximum training period is 8 weeks.
Programs and price of education
Full program: 24 academic hours per week (5 days, from Monday to Friday), 1560 CNY per week
Short program: 20 academic hours per week (4 days, from Monday to Friday), 1380 CNY per week (only for those who speak Russian)
- Money can be transferred to account indicated by the IRLC or paid to the bank in Moscow.
- All bank charges and other operational expenses such as currency exchange commissions or cheque encashment, etc., are borne by the payer.
Organization of training and content of the programs
The main principle of group formation is the level of Russian language proficiency. After the entrance test, students are divided into groups (no more than 10 people in a group). 3 days a week (16 hours) students of the basic level and higher study Russian in groups. Depending on the program, 1 day per week (4 hours) in the case of a short program or 2 days per week (8 hours) in the case of a full program, students attend seminars that they choose. Seminar topics: Russian literature, history, culture, business Russian, phonetics, phraseology, preparation for passing the state test in Russian as a foreign language (TORFL), and so on. Every year, the topics of the seminars change and depend on the needs of the students and the specialization of the invited lecturers.
Students of primary and elementary levels study in groups according to the full program 5 days a week (24 hours).
The main goal of the summer program is the development of communication skills based on immersion in the language environment. In this regard, a mandatory element of the program are weekly excursions to the iconic places of Moscow. Each lesson is based on a conversational topic associated with a certain lexical, grammatical and cultural material. Each school day is dedicated to a specific topic. The set of topics is determined by the teacher and depends on the level of Russian language proficiency of students, as well as their interests.
Students starting from scratch, study for all 8 weeks of the summer school, at the end of the course will be proficient in Russian at the level of A1 (elementary) according to the Russian State Testing System.
Students live in one of the dormitories of Moscow State University. The average cost of living is $11–13 per day, depending on the hostel.
Excursion program
Excursions around Moscow are part of the curriculum and are free of charge.
On weekends, students are offered interactive excursion programs to St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Tver, Yasnaya Polyana and other interesting places (for an additional fee).
What to do if you want to participate in the program
You can get answers to all questions if you write a letter to the head of the Department of Admission of the IRLC MSU MALOGLAZOVA IRINA ( or the director of the Summer School VALERY TCHASTNYKH (