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The Department of Russian language

The Department of Russian language as foreign is one of the oldest in Russia and specializes in pre-university studies of foreign students.

Since the year 2018 the head of the Department  A. N. Bogomolov, Doctor of Science in pedagogy, the graduate of MSU Philology Faculty.
There are 120 teachers in the Department, and in 2020/2021 study year it was divided into two sections: the pre-university studies and the internships.

Our specialists create textbooks and manuals on Russian as foreign language for pre-university, short term and distant courses, manuals for humanities, science, and economics.
The currently developing methodology project is the course of teaching Russian as foreign using the distant learning programs and platforms within all the levels from A1 to C1.
During the 2020/2021 study year there were created, approved, and taken into practice two introducing phonetic-grammar distant courses for beginners.

The teachers of the Department take part in structuring digital educational products and developing several projects in cultural linguistic for different knowledge levels of foreign students.
